What is the most important factor when choosing an assisted living facility?

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Senior Project Reflection

1) For my 2-hour, I'm most proud of how much I actually prepared. I didn't pass the other two senior project presentations at all, and I managed to make time, so I am actually really proud of that.

Questions to considered: Self assessment on my 2-hour


Overall senior project:


What worked?
What worked for me what I was really able to enhance my public speaking and communications skills. Everytime I went to mentorship, Erick had me lead the elderly in activities which kind of prepared me for the presentation because I knew how to talk to larger groups of people

What didn't work?
If I were to be completely honest, I probably would of never chose my current topic. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do, but this was a fallback option. I knew I didn't want to work in elderly housing, and it was just for school. I would've picked something like radio broadcasting(sports in specific), or journalism(again, sports in specific).

Finding value
The senior project has helped me in my future endeavors in many ways. The biggest being it taught me how to be more patient. I'm actually a pretty patient person now, and as many people say in real life, "Patience is a virtue."

Monday, June 3, 2013


I went to my mentorship today for the first time in about 2 weeks. I didn't realize how much I missed it, and how much the residents missed me! It made me really happy that I actually picked this as my topic; I love what I do. I talked with my mentor about how I should prepare for my topic, and what he told me was that I should just go over my information and just talk about my topic. He told me that I knew my topic and just to relax. Some good advice, and it actually calmed me down a bit.

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Started working on my 2-hour, prolly shoulda started earlier. Feeling pretty nervous, but still finding more information while doing my powerpoint! It's crazy to think that we graduate in 15 days; it seems like yesterday that we were all freshmen! I'll post more updates as the time goes on, but as of now, I've finished my first answer! One down, two to go!

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Log is on the right
Contact info: Erick Gochez

From my experience volunteering at Heritage Court in Upland, I gained a lot of knowledge about a lot of different aspects in life. From how to communicate with a variety of different people to gaining more of a patience in life, everything has been very important. I would have to say that the most important thing I gained during this entire would be the patience. Not just with the residents, but more of a patience in life. Before this year I was a really impatient person, but now, as I've matured and dealt with a variety of different people, I've learned how to become more patient.

Everything that I've done with my mentorship I feel has helped answer my EQ. I've seen what a good activities director could do, how the cost of the facility helps can affect one choosing the facility, and how the quality can affect all the other two answers to my EQ.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Exit Interview Questions

1. What is your essential question? What is the best answer to your question and why?

My essential question is "What is most important when choosing an Assisted Living Facility?" And my best answer is the quality of the facility. The reason that this is my best answer is because my other two answers fit perfectly into this one.

2. What process did you take to arrive at this answer?

A. Foundation to EQ.
At the start of senior year, my topic was just general Caregiving. I felt that this was too bland of a topic, so I wanted to change it. My brother had been involved with volunteering at an Assisted Living Facility for quite a while at this point, so I started to talk to him about it. He put me in contact with the Activities Director for Heritage Court in Upland, CA. Little did I know, but this was going to be my home away from home for the year. The Activities Director for the facility, whose name is Erick Gochez, instantly became a big help to my project. I explained everything to him, and all he wanted to do was help. He was pretty much to creator of me EQ, and what I was going to focus on for the year. "What is most important when choosing an Assisted Living Facility?"

B. Potential

After working under Erick for awhile at Heritage Court and seeing all he did as an activities director, I started to formulate one of my answers. Erick did so much for the facility, and I knew that he was really important to the facility. My first answer to my EQ is having a good activities director. He was able to show me how to get the residents out and doing the activities. He had this charm to him, that you just couldn't say no to. All the residents really loved him.

One day, while looking for a book for my research, I stumbled across this amazing book called "Assisted Living and Nursing Homes: Your Practical Guide to Making the Right Choice. At that time, I figured it was going to be a good article for my WB. As I got more and more into it, I realized just how important it was going to be for my senior project. It had everything in it, and I made my second answer just off one of the chapters. My second answer is the cost to the facility. The cost is important because if the potential resident can't afford the facility, why should they look into it? Insurance doesn't pay for much of the cost, if any at all.

C. Best

Later in senior year, I was at a standstill in my senior project. I had thought and thought of a good third answer. I just couldn't think of one. Talking with Erick, he showed me a book that he told me to get. It's called Inside Assisted Living: The Search For A Home. It was pretty much the same as the last book, didn't really think much of it until I read it. It provided so much more information that I never really thought of, plus real life accounts of what happens with residents in the facility. I got my third answer out of this book, and it's also my best answer. The quality of the facility. The reason that it's my best answer is because of the fact that the other two fit perfectly in it. If the quality of the facility is good, then the cost will go up, and be more expensive. But the staff will be better too, including the activities director.

3. What problems did you face? How did you resolve them?

1. The first problem that I faced was finding a mentor. In the field of Caregiving, which was where I was at the time when I first started looking for a mentor, they don't really want you sitting in on taking care of the elderly. You just get in the way, and can possibly cause problems. I changed my topic slightly to deal with choosing the facility, so my brother put me in contact with my eventual mentor, Erick Gochez.

2. The second problem I faced was presenting in general. At the start of the year, I wasn't really comfortable getting up in front of the class alone to do a presentation. As the year went on, practice helped. My mentorship also helped as well, as I sometimes would take over an activity for Erick when he had to go make a phone call, or someone else needed him.

4. What are your two most significant sources you used to answer your essential question? Why?

First source: My mentor, Erick Gochez.
The reason that my mentor is on this list is because he was probably my best source out there for my senior project. He provided so much information for my senior project, and helped me along the steps in forming and answering my EQ. Without him, I really don't know where I'd be right now in my project.

Second source: My little Assisted Living bible. Inside Assisted Living: The Search For A Home.
This book was really important in helping me find my third and best answer. It gave so many real life accounts of actual residents going through the process of choosing a home, and what they actually looked for. It's just an amazing little book.

5. What is your product and why?

I would have to say my product of my senior project is becoming more patient. Not just with school, but with life. Going into this year, I was a really impatient person, not really wanting to wait for anything, and stuff had to get done then and there. Having to deal with the elderly on a regular basis was difficult at first, but overtime you just learned how to react in many different situations. You couldn't really get mad the residents for doing something wrong, because just like little kids, they don't know any better. This would have to be the most important skill that I've gained out of my senior project. It's my made my life a whole lot easier being able to be patient with people. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

2014 Interview

1. I interview Debora Martinez, and she's in East House.

2. I plan to do crime scene investigation or behavioral analysis. This is an area of interest for me.

3. I plan to volunteer at forensics in the LAPD or volunteer with police sergeant in San Dimas.

4. I truly don't know what to expect. It's something i never thought about

5. Can you explain more about the senior project in general? What are some ways to make the senior project bearable? Is it as stressful as the rumors say?

The senior project in general is pretty much exactly as Purther explains it. It's a 9 month project that helps you find out more about your topic. Ways to make it bearable. Hmm. Make sure that you make all your deadlines. It gets crazy hectic and yeah, it is as stressful as it seems.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Independent Component #2


a) I, Dustin Stout, affirm that I have completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.

b) Books that have helped me with my Independent Component #2 are books that my mentor helped me pick out. The first one is Inside Assisted Living: The Search for a Home, and Assisted Living and Nursing Homes: Your Guide to Making the Practical Choice.

c) Digital Spreadsheat is my Mentorship Logs to the right, I separated my hours so you can see the 30 hours for the Independent Component.

d) What I did was put in 30 extra hours of Mentorship. I helped my mentor, Erick Gochez, run the daily activities of Heritage Court. These include leading activities for him, helping to create the "Activities Calendar", and getting the residents to actually go to the activities.

I helped set up these activities and run them. It really solidified my answer #1, which is having a good activities director.


Doing this independent component really helped to solidify my answer #1, and well and help with answer #3, which are Having a good Activities Director, and having good quality facility. The way it did help was spending more and more time with a good activities director, it really showed me what a really good one does. It also shows me what good quality staff members do to a facility. It shows me that when the quality is good, then the residents really respond to good staff members, and how happy they are.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Senior Project Update

So time for an update I guess. I did my interview 4 with the same person I did interview 3 with, Sandra. She's been a major help to my senior project, and I really don't know where I would be without her. When Erick left Heritage court, she took over his job. I had talked to her quite a bit, but never really communicated too much. She let me keep staying and volunteering under her, and her perspective on things were different than Erick's. She was more compassionate, and bonded more with the residents. While this can be bad, it can also be better, because the residents will help you more. I'm gonna start posting pictures and everything too, Erick lagged it sometimes on sending me pictures, and sometimes never did. But now I have a big selection to choose from :D

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Starting to actually blog

So I figure I'd jump in on this blogging phenomena and start using this thing. So an update. I love my topic. Went and volunteered today for the first time in a couple weeks. I took Spring Break off, because I was out of town, and before that I was sick for a couple of weeks. During my absence, I found that my main mentor, Erick Gochez, moved up and went to go to another facility. That didn't worry me too much, because I still have his assistant, who is now the full fledged activities director for Heritage Court now. I don't really know what to put in these posts, but as I do it more and more, I'm sure I'll get better :P

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Blog 20: 3 column chart first draft


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Blog 19; Senior Project and ESLRs

1. The ESLR that I think I have excelled most in this year is the communication.

2. I have to constantly communicate with the residents, as well as set up activities to make everyone happy.

3. Proof of me doing this.
Here is a picture of my Mentor, Erick Gochez, and his assistant, at a party that we put together for the facility. We had to make sure the entertainment, along with the food, was appropriate.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Blog 18: Third Answer

1. My EQ is "What is the most important factor when choosing an assisted living facility?"
2. The third answer to my EQ is the quality.
3. Three examples to justify my 3rd answer is the sanitation, staff members, the community around the facility.
4. My book, which is titled "Choosing an Assisted Living Facility, your guide to making the practical choice.", and my mentor, Erick Gochez.
5. I plan to look more into the qualifications of becoming a staff member at an assisted living facility, along with the sanitation and what not of the facility.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Blog 17: Interview 4 Questions

1. What is the most important factor when choosing an assisted living facility?

2. Do you think as an activities coordinator, you play a big role in choosing the facility?

3. Does the location of the facility have anything to do with choosing it?

4. What about cost? Does that affect anything?

5. Does the quality of the facility change anything?

6. Do people come to talk to you when choosing an assisted living facility?

7. When choosing an assisted living facility, do you believe that the community, as well as the places that surround the facility, are important?

8. Exactly what do you do as an Activities coordinator?

9. When a new resident comes into the facility, how do you personally make them feel at home?

10. What is the importance of just looking into a facility instead of blindly choosing it?

11. When planning the activities the residents participate it, do some of them get boring?

12. What do you do specifically when a resident comes to you with a complaint?

13. If you were to choose a  facility when you are able to go into one, what would be most important for you? Quality, cost, or the staff members?

14. What kind of relationships do you have with the residents at Heritage Court?

15. How can you measure if the activity director is good or not?

16. Do you have to distance yourself personally from the residents in case one of them pass away?

17. What is the importance of being happy all the time in an ALF? Does it rub off on the residents?

18. What do you look for in staff members the most?

19. If someone were to ask you what you are proud of most after working at an ALF, what would you say?

20. If I were interested in becoming an Activities Director, what's the best advice you could give me?

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Blog 16

1. My EQ is "What is the most important factor when choosing an assisted living facility?"

2. My second answer to my EQ is Location.

3. 3 details that support my second answer are from my book "Choosing a Nursing home or Assisted Living Facility: Your guide to making the right decision. They are location affects cost, being in range of family members, and good area is good company.

4. See above answer.

5. I plan to continue my study of answer #2 by continuing my mentor ship with Erick Gochez, and looking up more information on how location affects everything.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Blog 15 Independent Component #2

For my independent component #2 I'm planning on putting 30 more hours in at my mentorship. It will help me understand my foundation by learning more from my mentor.

Blog 14: Independent Component #1

a) I, Dustin Stout, affirm that I have completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
b) My mentor because I completed my hours under him.
c) My mentor ship log.
d) I did my 30 hours working under my mentor

I worked under my mentor planning and executing daily activities for the elderly. I need to get the photos from my mentor, he's lagging it.

My independent component helped me understand my my foundation better because I am constantly learning under my mentor.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Blog 13: Rough Draft of Presentation 2

Shared with you


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Third Interview Questions

1. What is the most important factor when choosing an assisted living facility?(Subject to change, haven't met with the senior teachers yet.)

2. Can you give examples to support this from personal experience?

3. Is this answer different for males and females?

4. For someone is your position, what is most important for you to making a resident feel like it is actually "home".

5. Being an activity director, and having close contact with the residents, do you feel that you play an important role in choosing the facility?

6. Do you plan on going to an assisted living facility when you retire?

7. Is there anything that you would personally change about this assisted living facility?

8. How did you get into being an activity director for this Assisted Living facility?

9. What's the best assisted living facility around?

10. Why did you choose to become an activity director for Heritage court?

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Blog 10

1. I am doing my mentor ship at Heritage Court Assisted Living in Upland, CA.
2. My contact is Erick Gochez, also my mentor.
3. I have 43.95 hours currently.
4. The hours that I have done so far are communicating directly with the residents of the facility that I volunteer at. I have learned what went into choosing the place for them, and how they currently feel at the facility.
5. Emailed!