What is the most important factor when choosing an assisted living facility?

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Senior Project Reflection

1) For my 2-hour, I'm most proud of how much I actually prepared. I didn't pass the other two senior project presentations at all, and I managed to make time, so I am actually really proud of that.

Questions to considered: Self assessment on my 2-hour


Overall senior project:


What worked?
What worked for me what I was really able to enhance my public speaking and communications skills. Everytime I went to mentorship, Erick had me lead the elderly in activities which kind of prepared me for the presentation because I knew how to talk to larger groups of people

What didn't work?
If I were to be completely honest, I probably would of never chose my current topic. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do, but this was a fallback option. I knew I didn't want to work in elderly housing, and it was just for school. I would've picked something like radio broadcasting(sports in specific), or journalism(again, sports in specific).

Finding value
The senior project has helped me in my future endeavors in many ways. The biggest being it taught me how to be more patient. I'm actually a pretty patient person now, and as many people say in real life, "Patience is a virtue."

Monday, June 3, 2013


I went to my mentorship today for the first time in about 2 weeks. I didn't realize how much I missed it, and how much the residents missed me! It made me really happy that I actually picked this as my topic; I love what I do. I talked with my mentor about how I should prepare for my topic, and what he told me was that I should just go over my information and just talk about my topic. He told me that I knew my topic and just to relax. Some good advice, and it actually calmed me down a bit.

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Started working on my 2-hour, prolly shoulda started earlier. Feeling pretty nervous, but still finding more information while doing my powerpoint! It's crazy to think that we graduate in 15 days; it seems like yesterday that we were all freshmen! I'll post more updates as the time goes on, but as of now, I've finished my first answer! One down, two to go!