What is the most important factor when choosing an assisted living facility?

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Blog 18: Third Answer

1. My EQ is "What is the most important factor when choosing an assisted living facility?"
2. The third answer to my EQ is the quality.
3. Three examples to justify my 3rd answer is the sanitation, staff members, the community around the facility.
4. My book, which is titled "Choosing an Assisted Living Facility, your guide to making the practical choice.", and my mentor, Erick Gochez.
5. I plan to look more into the qualifications of becoming a staff member at an assisted living facility, along with the sanitation and what not of the facility.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Blog 17: Interview 4 Questions

1. What is the most important factor when choosing an assisted living facility?

2. Do you think as an activities coordinator, you play a big role in choosing the facility?

3. Does the location of the facility have anything to do with choosing it?

4. What about cost? Does that affect anything?

5. Does the quality of the facility change anything?

6. Do people come to talk to you when choosing an assisted living facility?

7. When choosing an assisted living facility, do you believe that the community, as well as the places that surround the facility, are important?

8. Exactly what do you do as an Activities coordinator?

9. When a new resident comes into the facility, how do you personally make them feel at home?

10. What is the importance of just looking into a facility instead of blindly choosing it?

11. When planning the activities the residents participate it, do some of them get boring?

12. What do you do specifically when a resident comes to you with a complaint?

13. If you were to choose a  facility when you are able to go into one, what would be most important for you? Quality, cost, or the staff members?

14. What kind of relationships do you have with the residents at Heritage Court?

15. How can you measure if the activity director is good or not?

16. Do you have to distance yourself personally from the residents in case one of them pass away?

17. What is the importance of being happy all the time in an ALF? Does it rub off on the residents?

18. What do you look for in staff members the most?

19. If someone were to ask you what you are proud of most after working at an ALF, what would you say?

20. If I were interested in becoming an Activities Director, what's the best advice you could give me?

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Blog 16

1. My EQ is "What is the most important factor when choosing an assisted living facility?"

2. My second answer to my EQ is Location.

3. 3 details that support my second answer are from my book "Choosing a Nursing home or Assisted Living Facility: Your guide to making the right decision. They are location affects cost, being in range of family members, and good area is good company.

4. See above answer.

5. I plan to continue my study of answer #2 by continuing my mentor ship with Erick Gochez, and looking up more information on how location affects everything.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Blog 15 Independent Component #2

For my independent component #2 I'm planning on putting 30 more hours in at my mentorship. It will help me understand my foundation by learning more from my mentor.

Blog 14: Independent Component #1

a) I, Dustin Stout, affirm that I have completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
b) My mentor because I completed my hours under him.
c) My mentor ship log.
d) I did my 30 hours working under my mentor

I worked under my mentor planning and executing daily activities for the elderly. I need to get the photos from my mentor, he's lagging it.

My independent component helped me understand my my foundation better because I am constantly learning under my mentor.